LimeFX брокер: Брокер LimeFX: реальные отзывы клиентов 2022 на ForexTarget

LimeFX брокер
LimeFX брокер

Часто можно услышать совет, что торговать стоит только со старыми брокерами, якобы они безопаснее и надежнее, так как проверены временем. Сегодня героем нашего обзора стала компания почти с 25 летней историей — LimeFX. Компания заявляет, что является форекс дилером, что несомненно делает ей честь, ведь мало кто называет себя честно и не претендует на звание «брокер». Пройдемся по продуктам и услугам указанным на сайте компании. Всегда важно понимать кто перед нами, чтобы иметь возможность избежать финансовых потерь.

Подмена графиком торгов на свои и дорисовывание свечей в нужном направлении. Обычно таким занимаются жулики, когда у вас открыта сделка и они хотят быстро вас слить. Тогда они просто дорисовывают картинку так, чтобы вы сливали счет, а не зарабатывали. Еще более частым явлением можно считать увеличение спредов, изменение свопов и проскальзывания, которые позволяют мошенникам игнорировать выставленные стопы, либо достигать их нечестным методом.

  • «Предлагаемые к заключению договоры или финансовые инструменты являются высоко рискованными и могут привести к потере внесённых денежных средств в полном объеме.
  • Наш главный борец за права потребителей в телевизоре.
  • Это говорит нам о том, что нам просто врут и вешают лапшу на уши.
  • Одним из главных плюсов это небольшой вклад в депозит, для меня это было важно, потому что я как неопытный трейдер не был уверен в площадке.

К каждому типу подключена услуга своп Free, с оплатой только фиксированной комиссии. Кроме того, брокером предложены демо и партнерские счета. Мне в LimeFX нравится красота и функционал интерфейса, что все можно делать онлайн.

Последние отзывы и комментарии LimeFX

В Россию его тело доставили в аэропорт Шереметьево, и в тот день он был кремирован. Церемония прощания была в частном крематории, но многие не верят в смерь Чернобая. В июле 2019 года правоохранительные органы проверяли обстоятельства смерти и на этом момент события которые можно было бы восстановить просто заканчиваются. В данный момент сказать в каком состоянии находится компания LimeFX и кто ей руководит доподлинно невозможно.

LimeFX брокер

Есть такие истории, когда доверенное лицо исчезает с радаров, а в офисе LimeFX разводят руками и предлагают “отыграться”. Вам пригодится знать, что LimeFX подключает робота “по акции”. Также звонари рекомендуют его тем, кто совсем не смыслит, как торговать. Он ее открывает по более выгодной для себя цене, потому что торгует против клиента. Проскальзывания.Люди пишут “долго срабатывают ордера”. Во-первых, это дает понимание того, насколько неопытную аудиторию предпочитает LimeFX.

LimeFX (LimeFX) – брокер №1!

Чecтнo я тaкoгo пoвopoтa вooбщe нe oжидaлa, xoтя мoглa нaвepнoe и дoгaдaтьcя в Teлeтpeйд pyкoвoдcтвo пo гoлoвнo yгoлoвники. Ceйчac пoчитaлa eщe этy cтaтью и вooбщe вoлocы дыбoм вcтaли.Kaк мoжнo быть тaким людьми, coздaвaть тaкиe кyxни, xoтя виднo был cпpoc ecли тaкиe бaбки кpyтилиcь. Boт мoя дoчь ищeт ceйчac paбoтy и пpocтo дypнo cтaнoвитcя oт мыcли, чтo нaткнeтcя нa тaкиx кaк Teлeтpeйд. Я кaк нe пocлeдний и дaвнo yжe нe пepвый идиoт пoвepил в тo чтo в кoмпaнии Teлeтpeйд мoжнo peaльнo зapaбoтaть! Я взpocлый дядя, кoтopый xopoшo пoнимaeт чтo нeт бecплaтнoгo cыpa, чтo oн тoлькo в мышeлoвкax, вce paвнo пoвeлcя нa paccкaзы o пocтoяннoм дoпoлнитeльнoм дoxoдe в вaлютe!

Тех поддержка не на высоте, хотя преподы у них встречаются толковые – но их приходится очень пристально выбирать, новичку точно придется тяжело в этом плане. Учителя довольны-посмотрим, что скажут позже. На курсы попал совершенно случайно, но про форекс знаю давно. Многие боятся ходить, думая, что развод, решил проверить на себе. Тем более если их условия мне не подойдут, опыт останется, на зло большинства «неуверенных, ленивых и постоянно сомневающихся» он теперь бесплатный.

Как сообщает газета коммерсант в одном с офисов застали Владимира Чернобая, который формально не имеет никакого отноешния к компании LimeFX, но является ее предполагаемым владельцем. Как сообщает газета он отказался отвечать на вопросы,сославшись на статью №51. Согласно данным МВД звонари находили клиентов в базе ГИБДД и иных местах. Они предлагали заработок на форексе при этом заставали людей врасплох. Согласно подсчетам оперативников, то только 5 процентов трейдеров смогли получить прибыль.

Трейдер за счет собственных средств совершает валютные операции. Все его действия в автоматическом режиме копируются на счета прикрепленных к нему инвесторов. В случае успеха, с ростом количества инвесторов, копирующих его сделки, рейтинг и доход трейдера возрастают. Подключиться к сервису может любой зарегистрированный пользователь. Перед открытием реального счета трейдер может оценить функционал и ознакомиться с возможностями компании на бесплатном демо-счете.

И даже у нас уже есть клиенты, у которых украли невероятные суммы. А тишина в том числе потому, что ТТ не гнушается прямыми угрозами пострадавшим, за счет чего и держалось до сих пор. Регистрация в LimeFX занимает пару минут – и вы получаете личный кабинет.

LimeFX брокер

Одним из самых популярных брокеров российского рынка является компания Альфа-Форекс. мошенник | FreshForex отзывы 2022 FreshForex – один из популярных брокеров, который осуществляет посредническую деятельность на финрынках…. При этом нельзя забывать о сопутствующих рисках. Перед пополнением счёта необходимо проверить вывод средств LimeFX. Если брокер выплачивает деньги своим клиентам и не задерживают процедуру, то с ней можно начинать сотрудничество.


LimeFX первым делом потребует подобрать счет с которым начнете осваивать работу на Форекс. Предлагается 4 типа рабочих счетов и один демо-счет, для обучения. Пополнить их можно двумя валютами – долларами или евро. Здесь они смогут многому научиться, используя обучающий раздел, работать как со смартфона, так и используя компьютер. Опытный трейдер также найдет интересные материалы, посетив раздел с аналитикой. Удобная работа на Форекс становится возможной благодаря обширному выбору инструментов для торговли.

LimeFX брокер

Выручка компании за прошлый год составила 92 млрд швейцарских франков. Компания производит растворимый кофе, минеральную воду, шоколад, мороженое, бульоны, молочные продукты, детское питание, корм для домашних животных, фармацевтическую продукцию и косметику. Товарных знаков на 461 фабрике в 83 странах мира. 6 лучших проверенных тактик при работе на рынке по данному методу. Также представлено 24 бесплатных видео по конкретным темам, например, урок по заключению сделки, психологии торговли, влиянии процентных ставок на курс валют и т.п. При этом снятие средств и их ввод на баланс должно осуществляться одним и тем же способом – например, на одинаковую банковскую карту, которая принадлежит владельцу аккаунта.

Сама компания имеет название LimeFX D.J. Limited и зарегистрирована на островах Сент Винсента и Гренадины. Это глубокий офшор, где мошенники просто обожают регистрировать компании или хотя бы врать, что там компания и зарегистрирована. Все дело в том, что проверить данную информацию нереально, так как государство не имеет открытого реестра компаний. Остается только либо верить брокеру на слово, либо не верить. Причем, судя по номеру регистрации, компания создана в 2012 году. Брокер LimeFX имеет домен, который был создан еще в 2000 году.

Совокупный объем продаж в 2013 финансовом году в стоимостном выражении превысил отметку $47 млрд. – крупнейший мировой производитель и поставщик концентратов, сиропов и сайт limefx безалкогольных напитков. Крупнейшим акционером этой компании является фонд Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (8,61%), контролируемый легендарным инвестором Уорреном Баффеттом.

Так как компания зарабатывает на спреде не в ее интересах, чтобы мы после открытия счета слили все свои деньги. Чем больше мы будем совершать операций, чем стабильнее будет наш счет, тем самой компании будет выгоднее. Впервые познакомился с Форексом я именно болагодаря LimeFXу. История моя вом многом похожа на другие подобные.

В кабинете руководства ф-ла она и ее адвокат заявили, что подписанный договор ничтожен и она ничего и никому не должна “ведь это же просто игра”, “ну проигралась и что…”. Руководители молчали, а в коридоре расцеловали ее за “успешно проведенную сделку”. Надеюсь, что борьба с аферами LimeFX и те уголовные дела, которые были открыты на эту шарашку в РФ и Казахстане, не станут единичным случаем и будет иметь место не в отдельно взятой стране. По сути вся сеть действует по одним и тем же мошенническим шаблонам, а значит все причастные заслужили на то чтобы получить длительные тюремные сроки. Я конечно не имею ввиду рядовых сотрудников, хотя и они тоже принимают в этом участие. А вот людей из больших кабинетов LimeFX необходимо задерживать и предъявлять обвинения в обязательном порядке, чтобы ни у кого даже соблазна не было повторять такую схему.

Оставьте свой комментарий на сайте

Обучение проходит в формате курсов, видеоуроков и вебинаров. ECN — Прогрессивный счет для профессионалов, с доступом ко всем финансовым активам с максимальной скоростью исполнения сделок. NDD — Счет для продвинутых трейдеров, с доступом к межбанковской ликвидности. Версии для ПК доступны для скачивания на официальном сайте, для андроид и iOS – соответственно на Play Market и AppStore.

Личный кабинет LimeFX предлагает своему владельцу дополнительные возможности и информацию:

Toгдa тo я пoнял чтo тyт вce нe тaк нaдeжнo! Kaк oкaзaлocь, чepeз этoгo мoшeнникa пpoшли yжe мнoгиe мoи кoмпaньoны и дpyзья, пpocтo люди нe xoтeли paccкaзывaть o тaкoм гopькoм oпытe, дeлитьcя! Teлeтpeйд нe вывoдит дeньги нa pынoк и являeтcя мoшeнникoм!

Форекс Брокер LimeFX – Рейтинг 2023, информация, отзывы клиентов

C выходом в онлайн в 2000 году LimeFX занял лидирующие позиции в международной форекс-индустрии. Благодаря высоким стандартам качества и профессионализму команды LimeFX завоевал доверие более миллиона клиентов по всему миру.…

Graphic Designing- Optical Amusement through Projection of Distinct Designs

Graphic designing is a multi-facet discipline whose primary function is creative work and designs. Previously, graphic designing as a career option was considered to be a petite or low profile job comprehensive business systems. There was very little knowledge or enlightenment about it. However, with the growth of virtual communication and technologies, this particular job has started gaining popularity at an unstoppable speed. It has evolved to be a career prospect in which returns are received the very next moment. 

Besides, designing be it fashion or graphics involves creative drive and is not at all associated with menial clerk jobs. It requires passion and artistic creation which cannot be overtaken by any other competitor or colleague. Yes! You read it right. If you are good at your job, there cannot be any replacement of the work done by you. Sounds interesting right? Even more exciting is the work experience. All you need to do is simply think out of the box and project it in the designs. Before we dive deep into the details let us have a look at the prerequisites. 

An Empirical Study About Graphic Designing Web Designing


Just like chopping, sauteing software developer malaysia, etc are some of the prerequisite skills that a person needs to have before signing up for a culinary course. Similarly, there are certain requirements or eligibility traits that you need to check before placing yourself in this profession. A graphic designer should –

  • Be Creative 
  • Open for Constructive Criticism
  • Resilient
  • Visionary 
  • Basics of photoshop
  • Give attention to details
  • Determination 
  • Communication skills

Being a full-time graphic designer can be quite consuming as client satisfaction is the top-notch requirement. He/ She needs to be on the toes for approval without which the payment cannot be processed Spotify promotion. Apart from this, the client’s budget and expectations need to be taken care of. They have to make sure that their work never seems repetitive or overlapping. Along with all these, a graphic designer also needs to be careful about the deadlines. 

Once all these requirements become default there is nothing that can limit a graphic designer. Being inclined towards creative work and dedication is what is sought by the employer.

7 Types of Graphic Designs to Consider for Your Creative Career - Blog - VGRP Solutions

Classification of Graphic Designing areas

  • Art and Illustration

This is the most engaging area of graphic designing where one can exhibit one’s imagination. It involves portraits, drawings, etc that should come straight from the creator’s creative knowledge. Book covers, graphic novels, comics, motion graphics, etc. are examples of art and illustration aspects of graphic designing. A lot of companies are employing illustrators for attracting and strengthening the cliental base.

  • Corporate designing

Graphic designers who have specialized in this particular field are associated with managing logos, photo galleries, the color palette of the company website.

  • Marketing and advertising

This is of paramount importance for any firm as this directly affects the turnover of the company. Designers suggest eye captivating designs and ideas that target the audience. They design brochures, flyers, menus, presentations, etc, and attract clients.

  • User Interface

This deals with the user response and engagement with a particular app or web page. It ensures a friendly experience by designing and developing web pages that are convenient and easy to consume.

colpitts oscillator

The amount of feedback needed to energize the crystal, again, depends on the ratio of C1 to C2. These capacitors form a voltage divider across the emitter-base of the transistor. The Pierce circuit is stable under changing circuit conditions.


Surface crossing and energy flow in many-dimensional quantum … –

Surface crossing and energy flow in many-dimensional quantum ….

Posted: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 18:53:44 GMT [source]

In that case, you are creating a gigahertz signal from a megahertz oscillator, the more stable you will need the oscillator to be as any error is going to be magnified. A Colpitts Oscillator is an LC Tank oscillator which has been very common in RF applications. It’s suitable for applications up to several hundred megahertz. This circuit consists of two capacitors in series, forming a voltage divider, which provides feedback to the transistor, with an inductor in parallel. While this oscillator is relatively stable, it can be hard to tune and is often implemented with an emitter follower circuit so as not to load the resonant network. The primary RC Oscillator circuit produces a sine wave output signal using regenerative feedback obtained from the RC ladder network.

How this indicator works

The most common are the stochastic oscillator, relative strength , rate of change , and money flow . The frequency of RC and LC oscillators can be tuned over a wide range by using variable components in the filter. A microwave cavity can be tuned mechanically by moving one of the walls. It’s frequency can be changed slightly by using a trimmer capacitor in series or parallel with the crystal.


The common factor in all wind instruments is that sound is produced from a vibrating column of air, set into oscillation by a player’s breath. But the air column isn’t the “oscillator”, it’s the thing that is made to oscillate. There are three ways in which a player may be the “oscillator”. In a brass instrument he “buzzes” his lips into the mouthpiece.

Applications of Hartley Oscillators

Oscillators are momentum indicators used in technical analysis, whose fluctuations are bounded by some upper and lower band. A circuit that produces an alternating output current of a certain frequency determined by the characteristics of the circuit components. Oscillator claims 1912; De Forest and Armstrong court case cf p. 45.

  • This rapid decrease in current through the transistor and L2 causes the base end of L1 to become negative.
  • Rather than measuring price or volume, the stochastic oscillator compares the most recent closing price to the high-low range of the price across a fixed amount of past periods.
  • However, the momentum indicator is prone to generating false signals.
  • It’s worth noting for the table below that each option has a vast variety of different devices available on the market.
  • These signals tend to be more reliable in a range-bound market.

In an optical lattice atomic clock, a type of atomic clock that’s still being developed and perfected, atoms act as the oscillator. Back in 2008, Hasty and his team created an oscillator for single cells that could be set to temperature or chemical triggers. Most modern oscilloscopes can be programmed to automatically show the voltage and frequency of the displayed signal. In a computer, a specialized oscillator, called the clock, serves as a sort of pacemaker for the microprocessor. The clock frequency is usually specified in megahertz , and is an important factor in determining the rate at which a computer can perform instructions. The Average Volume is the total volume for a specified period divided by the number of bars in that same period.

from The Century Dictionary.

The frequency ranges of the ac signal at the output of oscillator ranges from a few Hz to several GHz. The Relative Strength Index is a momentum indicator that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to analyze overbought or oversold conditions. When oscillator values approach these bands, they provide overbought or oversold signals to traders. The signal produced by an electronic oscillator can be viewed using a piece of equipment called an oscilloscope, which displays the signal on a screen where the y-axis represents voltage and the x-axis represents time. To drop below one temporarily, reducing the sine wave’s amplitude back to its unity-gain value.

Let us now move further and derive the expression for attenuation provided by the phase shift network. Let us first understand how the phase shift is being generated by the oscillator. The harmonic oscillator is too simple; very often you can work out what it should do in quantum theory without getting much of a clue as to how to generalize your results to other systems. Noun In wireless telegraphy, that part of the transmitting apparatus which produces the electric waves or oscillations. Noun A motor in which the piston oscillates in the cylinder over a minute range at high speed.

Startup and amplitude of oscillation

Austrian Alexander Meissner independently discovered positive feedback and invented oscillators in March 1913. Irving Langmuir at General Electric observed feedback in 1913. Fritz Lowenstein may have preceded the others with a crude oscillator in late 1911. In Britain, H. J. Round patented amplifying and oscillating circuits in 1913. Armstrong and De Forest fought a protracted legal battle over the rights to the “regenerative” oscillator circuit which has been called “the most complicated patent litigation in the history of radio”. De Forest ultimately won before the Supreme Court in 1934 on technical grounds, but most sources regard Armstrong’s claim as the stronger one.

Thus to achieve a phase shift of 180⁰, despite using 2 RC stages we use 3 RC stages where each stage separately provides a phase shift of 60⁰. And the phase shift introduced by the circuit must be equal to 0 or 360⁰. The oscillator was a basic artigrav unit, stripped of its damping circuits and mounted near the primary power generator.

Applications of Clapp Oscillators

This high-frequency sinusoidal signal can be used in RF applications. The inductor uses the released energy from the capacitor to form a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field induces a voltage and starts charging the capacitor with opposite polarity.

Quartz Crystal Resonator Market Share : Industry Trends, Growth … – Digital Journal

Quartz Crystal Resonator Market Share : Industry Trends, Growth ….

Posted: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 08:55:13 GMT [source]

Mathematical for feedback oscillations, now called the Barkhausen criterion, were derived by Heinrich Georg Barkhausen in 1921. The first analysis of a nonlinear electronic oscillator model, the Van der Pol oscillator, was done by Balthasar van der Pol in 1927. He showed that the stability of the oscillations in actual oscillators was due to the nonlinearity of the amplifying device. He originated the term “relaxation oscillation” and was first to distinguish between linear and relaxation oscillators. Further advances in mathematical analysis of oscillation were made by Hendrik Wade Bode and Harry Nyquist in the 1930s.


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Everyone; and we signify everyone must analyze they come back on savings when it gets to monetizing benefits of digital signage plan. One-such method to perform this is to appear at the existence value of both the satisfied and the hardware itself. There’s a product benefit to grow as well since a well-built capacitive touch screen digital signage plan makes the company appear refined and methodical in their development shown to their customers if done well.

Not every business; small, average, or activity sized has the gamely accessible budget to correctly launch or inform digital signage. Regularly times, transportation expenses and office technology development are some of the earliest things cut when forecasting or financial plan limitation hit.

New Smart LAB co-creates innovative IT solutions with industry to enhance  public services (with photos)

Important benefits of digital signage

As well as just being more beautiful, the show offers a much better range of facilities than print marketing. Specifically, some of the additional benefits of digital signage that come with a show include.

Unmatched versatility

Talking of time-sensitive marketing, the show can release up a new method of advertising everything that is only accessible for a little time. For example, a broadcasting station may desire to publicize to those transform. It can successfully do so by changing the communication for the suitable time of daytime. With print marketing, this is not possible, but a digital signage clarification allows advertisers to differ their layouts as desirable.

Provide interactivity

Displays can be connected to interactive satisfaction, and this can build for an excellent knowledge. Interactive satisfaction is perfect for reducing the supposed wait period and for involving a positive thought with the product. This is a different facility that print marketing cannot match.

Much faster implementation

Unlike print marketing, which has to be physically located, or even physically planned on an exterior, layout fashionable can directly upload their job to a show with a pair button compress. This allows for quicker realization, which is perfect for a business that connects in time-sensitive marketing.

Reduced marketing overhead

In common, it takes fewer people to control display marketing than print marketing, as all content can be fashioned from a central place. This means lesser operating expenses.

Reduced waste and operating costs

Print marketing is fast made outmoded, and when it is no higher related, it has to be restored. When functioning with a show, however, all a plan designer has to do is build a new organizer and upload it. No want for document waste and additional purchase.

As well as this is just the initiate. Benefits of digital signage solution can be remarkably versatile and controlling, and with a confidence A/V integrator background the organization up, a business can alter produce to a digital solution with small hassle. Rather, you’re responsible for the worker who is always on the go and wants a way to feel linked to the rest of the workers. 

Displaying contented concerning benefits updates, forthcoming company excursion, or even synchronized sales information can do doubt for company-wide ethical and interior connectivity in this situation. This difficulty can reduce the risk of initiation with imperfect equipment, and assure that the new plan provides a graceful and quality image to stakeholders both inner and outer.


 Have you ever wondered if you have Professional Leadership? When a worker, whether employed or self-employed, has among her responsibilities to coordinate and direct a team, department, or organization, we would be talking about professional leadership.

Companies are constantly looking for a way to get ahead and be at the forefront and, therefore, it is essential to have people capable of influencing others, of achieving different goals in the company, that is, to obtain the expected results in time and shape.

Leadership is a set of capacities that an individual has to influence the way of being of people or of a certain group, making this teamwork with enthusiasm, thus achieving the goals and objectives set.

Leadership is exercised at every moment of the day, both informal aspects when coordinating the workflow, and in more informal aspects such as the tone and emotional climate experienced in the work unit.

But what kind of leadership should the professional have in the workplace? It must be a servant leadership were “a strong motivation and commitment to want to help and facilitate the development of people, groups and organizations prevail, putting the needs and interests of those before their own”.

Is professional leadership the same as persuasive leadership? According to our teacher, persuasion does not always have to assume a negative connotation. “Persuasion, as opposed to coercion, implies the use of the word to get other people to carry out certain acts, without the need to use force or threat.” Thus, professional leaders “will, of course, employ persuasion, but on an ethical basis.”

Now, persuasion can also have a negative connotation, but then it would be better to use the term manipulation. Manipulation implies persuasion with a selfish purpose, where the only beneficiary would be the leader, or rather the pseudo-leader, because “a true leader will not manipulate his collaborators, in his case, he will persuade them to strive to achieve and overcome objectives that will benefit everyone.”

But the million-dollar question that causes so much controversy is is the leader born or made? For our teacher, definitely, “leadership is done and learned .”

Leadership is not a trait or characteristic that resides in characterological and innate aspects of the leader but is a process that takes place over time, in which the leader, followers, and the context are interactively involved.

Characteristics Of A Leader

Once we are clear about what leadership is, we are going to define the characteristics that a leader should have.

Technical Skills: refer to the application of knowledge and techniques necessary to carry out an activity of the organization.

Intrapersonal skills: are those that exclusively involve self-control, both emotionally and cognitively. For example, anger management or own time management.

Organizational or interpersonal skills: are those that allow the person who leads the team to work as one more member of the team and interact effectively with people, directing the collective effort towards achieving the objectives, considering the human and emotional dimension of the workers. They have to do with the creation of structure, workflow, and control thereof, such as the design and conduct of meetings.

This supposes strong doses of empathy and humility, since professional leaders also make mistakes. For this reason, the new leaders must be an example of continuous learning and recycling.

What is really difficult is to act as a leader in all facets, and there are many who precisely fail in this. Although I do not like to generalize, and I know leaders who do it very well, others need to transmit and spread their enthusiasm and passion. Leaders must be not only technical leaders, but also emotional leaders . In other words, the key to professional leadership is to combine reason and emotion.

Another area of ​​improvement for professional leaders is the practice of Emotional Salary, that is, emotionally rewarding employees with a sincere smile and a genuine thank you after the effort and work. It has t be genuine, in addition, t offering constructive and motivating feedback that not only focuses on the failures, but on how to improve them.…

How to lead a digital company? How does digitization, in the midst of the 4.0 revolution, affect the business world and the leadership of organizations?

Were the great leaders of the last century worse leaders than those of today, who are immersed in a digital environment? No. What has changed is how, but not the basis. We understand that in the business model of our company, the most important thing to lead a company begins with oneself. Great companies have no soul, spirit, or personality. Companies are mirrors of the people who run them.

Today we have at our disposal a series of effective technological tools, such as Big Data or Artificial Intelligence, which allow us to make everything easier and faster in the best way. It is true that everything changes … but, in reality, nothing changes. That is, the fundamental functions of a business leader are not altered. I come to demystify that digitization changes everything.

The most important thing to lead a digital company, as well as to exercise leadership, are people. The human factor will always be above technology to leading companies in the digital age. Companies are organizations of people who work for people (clients or consumers).

As leaders, the most difficult challenge before us is to embark on people and teams on projects, to do it with passion and willingness, without being obliged. The most important thing in this 4.0 revolution is to understand very well that digitization opens channels -through certain tools- to get to the basics, which is the relationship with people, with customers.


An Efficient Process

Digitization is an efficient process. Innovation will allow us to establish higher quality human relationships. When all this process of technological change has been standardized, we will have to talk about the era of post-digitization. Then we will have more time to really improve the quality of our human relationships.